Saturday, February 12, 2011

Lord of War (2005)

Now thats a movie worth watching. I think Nicolas Cage is one of the finest actors alive who is still imparting class to his roles. He adapts himself to the character in such a fine manner that one would consider him "born for the role". Now that is exactly what he did in this one as well.

Nicolas Cage is an arms dealer who has an obsession with selling arms and he is damn good at it. While doing his monkey business he encounters various problems from the interpol as well as from his conscience. The morality keeps on nibbling at his soul, however he never gets exhausted. Things mess up pretty badly for him as he fails to justify his veracity in front of his wife. It costs him a lot eventually.

Ethan Hawke plays the guy from Interpol who is on a hunt to catch him. Andrew Niccol wrote a brilliant story about war and politics. His earlier ventures as a writer The Terminal(a movie you can never forget) and The Truman Show happens to be my all time favourites.

This movie was exceptionally well directed by Andrew Niccol and brilliantly performed by Nicolas Cage(No one could have done it better).

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