Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Source Code (2011)

Ladies and Gentleman ... Duncan Jones .... once again.

After creating a beautiful movie like 'Moon' Duncan has done it again. Albeit the story wasn't written by him this time (Ben Ripley wrote it), his direction was just brilliant. A story like Source Code needed a director like him eh! and of course great actors like Jake Gyllenhaal, Michelle Monaghan, Vera Farmiga. Jeffrey Wright, Michael Arden and Russell Peters did their bit in the flick.

Source code had more than a brilliant story to offer. It had both action and drama intermingled and must I say it proved to be a pretty good fest altogether. Jake Gyllenhaal is getting better day by day, whoa he was already good wasn't he since his teen years (Donnie Darko and October Sky still rule). With great movies like The Day after tomorrow, Brokeback mountain, Jarhead, Zodiac, Rendition, Brothers,
Prince of Persia and Love and other drugs, he has another thriller to his name – Source Code where he Is the protagonist once again.

In the movie he poses as a soldier who wakes up to find himself a part of a mission wherein he is supposed to find a bomber who is going to strike again as is told to him by Vera Farmiga. Source Code enables him to take someone else's identity and revisit those 8 minutes just before the train is brought to splinters by the bomb. No matter how many times he dies he is supposed to find the bomber and the bomb. The question is can he do it?

Watch the flick for yourself because it's an action packed thriller which would definitely rivet you to your seats till the end. Some class acting by Jake, Michelle and Vera. A must watch. 8 on 10

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