Monday, June 27, 2011

Green Lantern (2011)

Whaaaaaaaaaat ?

Well I am a big fan of DC Comics and yes of course the Green Lantern. The recent animated movies (and by that I mean First Flight) and not to mention the comics have always managed to keep me riveted. 

When I heard that there is going to be a movie on him, I was so excited that I wanted to watch the movie real bad. The trailer seemed so promising. I was elated when I found great names served in the same bowl – Ryan Reynolds, Blake Lively, Tim Robbins, Mark Strong and Peter Sarsgaard. I had high expectations. (Don’t have that!)

I was so much disappointed by the flick I couldn’t believe the director Martin Campbell (can't believe he is the guy who directed awesome movies like Casino Royale, Goldeneye and The mask of Zorro)got all clumsy mid-way. The story was almost the same. It went actually pretty good albeit with some lame acting. Parallax had affected Peter and had metamorphosed him into a diabolical psychic who seemed so promising that I wanted a fair fight against him and Hal. But it got over so quickly that I didn’t have a chance to even root for him. The training part trained Ryan so fast and well that I was like What the…..?? When the Parallax invaded earth I wanted it to be goddamn destructive. I wanted to see maximum annihilation and some breathtaking scenes in the end but I was surprised by the fact that Ryan had the blob in his platter with a simple thought which he had learned during his training. Before the adrenaline could even pump, it was pacified by the last scene. Sinestro played by Mark Strong said that he would try vanquishing Parallax with his fearless army of green lanterns but goes out on the battlefield with only a couple of green lanterns who get their ass kicked big time. The Guardians prepared a yellow ring which was never used. I was like …. then why go for all the trouble bro! I felt deceived, duped and cheated big time. 

However the story was really great, had it been directed by the likes of Nolan, Slade, Vaughn, Cameron, Snyder or any other thoughtful directors it would have been a huge hit.

Blake Lively tried her best but I didn’t expect much from her either. Tim Robbins had such a small onscreen role that it makes one wonder - Was he even there? While Ryan tries to hover around hither and thither in the movie there are only a few scenes that had great 3D effects and which had me drooling, the rest was pretty lame. I kept on watching Sinestro eventually as I wanted to be hinted how he turns foul but that never happened either.

The green was not enough, should have tried another because it was all god-damn colorless.

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