Monday, October 25, 2010

Donnie Darko (2001)

Richard Kelly wrote an amazing story, perfectly interpreted the same and presented it in the finest way possible. Donnie Darko is a sci-fi drama with an amazing storyline. I was pretty fascinated by Jake Gyllenhaal's acting. He was perfect for the role and he played the character of Donnie very convincingly. This movie is an explicit depiction of surrealism playing with the extreme possibilities of scientific facts not to forget a fine performance by Jake Gyllenhaal and the hero he gets to be, setting things right. Jake plays the role of a kid who has been chosen to maintain the time continuum by placing an artifact ( jet engine ) back into it's actual time.

The story begins on October 1,1988. The intro manifests Donnie waking up at a hill-side as he has been sleep walking and he returns home smiling that suggests he is aware of the things that have been happening.He creates an imaginary friend Frank-Bunny who however turns out to be a related character in the movie as 'The manipulated dead'. On October 2nd a jet engine crashes in his room although his sleep walking habits or here Frank-Bunny saves his life. The jet engine that had crashed in his room was actually the one from October 30th which had been time-corrupted and ends up in the past. All the events from thereon turn out to be happening in a different universe called Tangent universe. Now Donnie is supposed to set things right with the assistance of a wormhole that is supposed to take the jet engine back to where it came from i.e. 30th October. The moment that would happen the time would reset and things would go on normally as in present universe albeit that would come with a cost.

The characters in the story are well depicted. Patrick Swayze plays a writer who is well demolished by Jake by his arrogant comments as his theories according to Jake were pathetic. Maggie Gyllenhaal plays Jake's sister. Daveigh Chase is his little sister who is a dancing enthusiast. Drew Barrymore plays the English teacher who happens to be the only sane being according to Jake in the movie.

Everyone was scared by the 'thoughtful' Darko. His quest provides him with the knowledge about wormholes, time travel, etc. which ultimately elucidates him the thing that he was supposed to do albeit well assisted by the book 'The philosophy of time travel' written by the character Roberta Sparrow or Grandma Death as Donnie used to call her.

The movie is quite surreal and there are a million possible explanations as per the events suggested in the movie. I'd rather go with the one I fathomed. I watch this flick again and again as every time I do, something important that I might have probably skipped pops up and bingo! a new mystery gets unravelled. I'd recommend only the sci-fi enthusiasts to go for it coz those expecting a lot of action in the movie are sure to be disappointed. I personally liked the movie very much and would rate the movie an 8 on 10.

Remember me (2010)

I was literally blown away when I saw this drama. I had seen the trailer of the flick earlier and had a notion that the movie wasn't gonna be that good but apparently I was proved wrong. I really liked the movie. The story was perfectly woven by Will Fetters.

There were some great performances in the movie. Robert Pattinson did the lead character alongside Emilie de Ravin, Chris Cooper and Pierce Brosnan. Pattinson had lost his brother and was not on good terms with his father Pierce Brosnan as Pattinson claimed that his father didn't love his family as he didn't have time for his family. Parallel to that goes another story of Emilie de Ravin and her dad Chris Cooper. She had lost her mother when she was quite young. The intro depicts how her mother was murdered right in front of her eyes on the subway. Robert's character is a violent one. He gets into fight quite often. He stopped caring about his life ever since his brother, whom he loved more than anything, committed suicide while working under his father. He nurtured a grudge for his father while Pierce had his ways of manifesting love which obviously he didn't want to show as is depicted in the later stages of the movie. A romantic love story between Emilie de Ravin and Robert Pattinson runs alongside. There's a surprise in the end of the movie for everyone and must I say it wasn't a pleasant one.

I really liked the flow of the movie, the cinematography and the music was amazing. Chris Cooper, Pattinson and Pierce are the ones to watch out for in the flick coz of their brilliant performances. Hats off to Allen Coulter for the flick and not to forget the cast who actually made it possible for the movie to score. I'd recommend all of u to go for this one and 'd rate this flick a 7 on 10.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Forgotten (2004)

This flick was an amazing story which entailed Julianne Moore cast as Telly Paretta who was told that her child never existed albeit she had all the memory of her child. There was a bigger enemy at play who certainly didn't want her to remember her own child. She was compelled to run as the people involved looked mysterious to her as they wanted her badly to succumb.

The story was certainly enigmatic and it really blew my mind as I neared the ending where the whole mystery unraveled. Julianne Moore was at her best in the flick well supported by Gary Sinise and Dominic West. Dominic West played an important character in the movie as well. He plays the guy whose memory was played upon by the enemy, an endeavour to make him forget his own daughter, which however didn't happen - all thanks to Julianne Moore. He accompanies her in the quest to find answers of the unthinkable act.

The climax is the best part in the story when gradually things start to unravel itself eventually. It was a joy to watch the mystery unfold and it certainly didn't disappoint me as the ending seemed perfect as well. It was an impeccable job. The screenplay was awesome.

I would rate the movie a 7 on 10 coz boy I liked it. I would also recommend everyone to go for it as it was totally captivating.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Island (2005)

Things are really getting better with Michael Bay. As a director he has
come up with some brilliant movies like Pearl Harbor,Armageddon,The
Rock, Bad Boys and I must say I don't regret watching a single one. All
those movies were simply amazing and The Island happens to be one from
the same box. I was dumbstruck when I saw The Island coz I wasn't
really expecting so much action and such a brilliant storyline not to
forget the works of the actor Ewan McGregor, Sean Bean , Djimon Hounsou
and Scarlett Johansson. They carried the movie through with such an
enthusiasm that I was really surprised at Bay's work. Bay as a producer
albeit has come up with certain poor projects not to mention his latest
craze with the horror and the thrill ones. But as a director I think he
is a genius.Well so he proved by making such a flick.

In the story of the Island Ewan Mcgregor and Scarlet Johansson realize
that they were simply clones and that they were harvested and in fact
simply a 'product' which forces them to unveil the secret of the dirty
work that Sean Bean was the head of. They make a sprint towards the
outer world to save their lives as well as of the others too.

I'd rate the movie an 8 coz I sort of enjoyed it very much. I wish Bay
directs more movies like this and concentrate more on his direction coz
Boy he directs just fine.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Last Airbender (2010)

So this one was another flick by M. Night Shyamalan. I must admit in the beginning I was not that big a fan of Shyamalan's work although there have been several movies by him which I've appreciated a lot like - "The Sixth Sense","The Village" and "Unbreakable". The only thing that I like about him is the way he thinks. As a writer I consider him as one of the unique thinkers of all time. Although he fails to make it big at the box office he still manages to woo the public by his story.

This movie however happens to be an adaptation although it certainly fails to create that magic. There were only a few good things about the movie. One of them was special effects. I was surprised to see 'A Shyamalan movie' with nice special effects.

I must say only the 'story' looked promising. Eventually they leave you with a hint for a sequel(well looking at this fiasco I doubt that there is going to be any). The pace of the movie was very slow and I yawned quite a lot. I was awakened once in a while by the 'almost promising' air bending and water bending effects and not to forget the dumb Bison which flew on the screen every now and then. The movie reminded me of 'The Secret of Moonacre' only with a tinge of action in it. However the action was not good enough either.

Noah Ringer seemed pointless till the end. I doubt if 'he' knew what was going on in the movie. Dev Patel tried his best but hey he is not a superhero after all. If the movie is poor then the chances of someone saving it from sinking at the box office goes to a cipher.

One thing I must say is that it could have been made better if a little bit of 'interest' was appended to their drinks coz all of the actors seemed lacking interest in their acts. The action scenes could have been made better. Little stories about the spirits and stuffs like that could have been narrated with interest. Occasional blackouts when moving from one scene to another could have been made more interesting than going to a new one silently. Because people believe in living the movie and not simply staring at it as if they are supposed to. That enthusiasm and zeal was missing from the movie. The Avatar was really getting on my nerves as he failed every now and then in bending the water. It became a little bit interesting in the end but my zeal soon died when they made us realize that the Avatar is not supposed to harm any soul. So there you go. All that trouble for nothing.

It became so pathetic that when eventually I saw the surprise in the end I could only say,"Okkkaaaaaaaay !". Thats it.

The decision ?? I leave it for the readers.

Friday, October 1, 2010

30 days of night: Dark days (2010)

I was actually looking forward to this movie. The first one really had blown me away. I was expecting Melissa George to continue the sequel as Stella but unfortunately they had picked Kiele Sanchez for the lead role. The story was pathetic and was lacking the thrill which was present in the earlier one. The "30 days of night"(first one) had really fascinated me beyond limit as it had its moments. The eerie environment in the earlier one and a superb performance by Josh Hartnett not to mention the air of fear that it had created really blew my mind. I was scared beyond limit however this movie fails to bring the kudos. It not only failed to create the magic but also spoiled the entire story which possibly could have been a lot better if it hadn't been for a bunch of Vampire hunters who were hunting down a so called queen named Lilith which was the main root of all the vampires. The killings manifested in the movie were merciless. However the reason that the earlier one scored was utterly missing in the second part. I don't fathom why the movie was not handed over to David Slade instead, who could have created the magic once again had he handled the project. Ben Ketai spoiled the entire fascination in me. I am getting a premonition- if there is another sequel on the cards ( as the ending suggested ) it wouldn't be that amazing as the first one even if Josh Hartnett would be chosen back to act (which I doubt would happen after watching the 2nd one). The movie was really lacking the lustre the first one retained. I wouldn't recommend watching this one. I'd rate this one a 4 on 10.

Killers (2010)

Although Killers didn't score well on the story what it certainly did was winning my appreciation as a good- situational comedy.
I think Ashton Kutcher and Katherine Heigl shared a wonderful chemistry between them. Ashton was at his best in this one however it was Katherine Heigl that definitely managed to grab everyone's attention. There is a certain way about Katherine Heigl that I adore. She is perfect for clumsy and humorous roles. She always manages to keep smile on our faces by playing a funny character which is exactly what she did in the movie. Her character in 'The Ugly Truth' was equally wonderful and hilarious.(Kudos to Katherine as she has discovered the secret of comedy)
The movie however didn't retain a good story line and it had nothing new to offer. But there were some great funny moments in the movie and as a movie fan I'd recommend this movie to all the viewers and brand this flick as a one-time-watch.