Friday, October 1, 2010

30 days of night: Dark days (2010)

I was actually looking forward to this movie. The first one really had blown me away. I was expecting Melissa George to continue the sequel as Stella but unfortunately they had picked Kiele Sanchez for the lead role. The story was pathetic and was lacking the thrill which was present in the earlier one. The "30 days of night"(first one) had really fascinated me beyond limit as it had its moments. The eerie environment in the earlier one and a superb performance by Josh Hartnett not to mention the air of fear that it had created really blew my mind. I was scared beyond limit however this movie fails to bring the kudos. It not only failed to create the magic but also spoiled the entire story which possibly could have been a lot better if it hadn't been for a bunch of Vampire hunters who were hunting down a so called queen named Lilith which was the main root of all the vampires. The killings manifested in the movie were merciless. However the reason that the earlier one scored was utterly missing in the second part. I don't fathom why the movie was not handed over to David Slade instead, who could have created the magic once again had he handled the project. Ben Ketai spoiled the entire fascination in me. I am getting a premonition- if there is another sequel on the cards ( as the ending suggested ) it wouldn't be that amazing as the first one even if Josh Hartnett would be chosen back to act (which I doubt would happen after watching the 2nd one). The movie was really lacking the lustre the first one retained. I wouldn't recommend watching this one. I'd rate this one a 4 on 10.

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