Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Island (2005)

Things are really getting better with Michael Bay. As a director he has
come up with some brilliant movies like Pearl Harbor,Armageddon,The
Rock, Bad Boys and I must say I don't regret watching a single one. All
those movies were simply amazing and The Island happens to be one from
the same box. I was dumbstruck when I saw The Island coz I wasn't
really expecting so much action and such a brilliant storyline not to
forget the works of the actor Ewan McGregor, Sean Bean , Djimon Hounsou
and Scarlett Johansson. They carried the movie through with such an
enthusiasm that I was really surprised at Bay's work. Bay as a producer
albeit has come up with certain poor projects not to mention his latest
craze with the horror and the thrill ones. But as a director I think he
is a genius.Well so he proved by making such a flick.

In the story of the Island Ewan Mcgregor and Scarlet Johansson realize
that they were simply clones and that they were harvested and in fact
simply a 'product' which forces them to unveil the secret of the dirty
work that Sean Bean was the head of. They make a sprint towards the
outer world to save their lives as well as of the others too.

I'd rate the movie an 8 coz I sort of enjoyed it very much. I wish Bay
directs more movies like this and concentrate more on his direction coz
Boy he directs just fine.

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