Monday, September 27, 2010

Basic (2003)

From the trailer it was hard to make out how intricate the movie
actually was. I had earlier taken it to be an army movie that was sure
to showcase some war-like situations. However I was proved wrong when I
actually found the movie to be a sort of a thriller. The story retains
a training program which turns out to be chaotic when all those rangers
who had stepped down to train in the formidable forest area end up
shooting each other except for two fellow rangers. The mystery was
slowly revealed by two fellow Rangers as to what really happened in the
woods while training, both leading the story to a different direction.
They both were trying to complicate things by telling their part of the
story which although seemed true but in fact wasn't. John Travolta was
called on to interrogate the two rangers who had survived from a
training facility region(which turned out to be a battleground as there
were those who shared a grudge for Samuel Jackson while those who
considered it inhumane to kill him) and ended up killing the rest in an
accident as the story of those survived rangers suggested. Connie
Nielsen however had the habit of snooping around and so figures out the
rest of the mystery eventually which was an eye-opener. Find out for
yourself what the actual mystery was as I was really surprised to find
out the consequences eventually myself and would recommend everyone to
watch the movie. I'd rate the movie 7 for the suspense as I kind of
like watching movies that has something thrilling to offer.

Get him to the Greek (2010)

Another good piece by Nicholas Stoller. The movie was certainly well
written not to forget a brilliant acting performance by Russell Brand
and Jonah Hill. Jonah was supposed to bring an out-of-control rock star
to the L.A. Greek theater. Though the job seemed to be a piece of cake
it certainly wasn't. Brand happened to be a drug addict not to mention
the fact that he was a sex machine and that his every body part craved
for orgies. Bringing Brand to the Greek really proved to be a Herculean
task for Jonah. There were a lot of guest appearances in the
movie although some might have gone uncredited. Pink, Lars Ulrich, Christina Aguilera, Pharrell Williams and others were spotted. Sergei, played by P. Diddy was certainly another great
performance as a pissed off boss. There were so many HAHA moments in
the movie and I was laughing out loud. There was this 'Jeffrey' a weed
that would make one insane.It was the God of Weed. It happened to be
the cause of some hilarious moments in the movie. Rose Byrne played
Brand's love interest who leaves her in the beginning following his
downfall albeit Brand decides to take a pit stop in order to bring her
back. The movie takes you on an adventure wherein Jonah ( a big fan of
Aldous(Brand) in the movie ) has to bring Aldous to the Greek theater
although deterred by all the temptations entailed in the way but
eventually has to bring him there so as to fulfill the assignment
allotted by Sergio (his boss) which happens to be dream job for him.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Raod to Perdition (2002)

Road to Perdition was certainly a brilliant movie that scores in every aspect. Sam Mendes directed another great movie after American Beauty which completely took my breath away. The cast chosen was also very great which had big names like Tom Hanks, Paul Newman, Daniel Craig, Jude Law, Jennifer Jason Leigh etc. The story was written in a brilliant manner and not to forget the beautiful cinematography for which the movie bagged an Academy award. The music was very soothing to the ears and Sam used the score properly at the right places which really turned out to be perfect. Tom Hanks played the role of Michael Sullivan who happens to be a hit-man and who along side his son Michael Sullivan Jr. avenges the murder of his wife and kid. He doesn't want his son to become like him although in order to take revenge he teaches his son to drive and robs off the banks with the black money of his enemy. The scenes wherein Tom enters the bank serenely and offers the bank manager a part the plundered amount was a joy to watch. Paul Newman was really good as he always is in his acts. He tries to protect his son Daniel Craig and pays the price eventually. Jude Law is hired to kill Tom Hanks. He gets to taste the wrath from Hanks par as his face gets mutilated in a cross fire. However in the end all the murderers die without Sullivan Jr.'s hands getting dirty. The story was wonderful and the direction was even more brilliant. Overall I liked the movie very much.

The Expendables (2010)

The Expendables had a lot of action so much that they forgot to give a good motive behind all the hullabaloo. The movie retained the finest action figures one could only dream of putting together in one frame and that was exactly what Sylvester Stallone did. Watching Sylvester guiding a bunch of mercenaries was a joy in itself and that too action heroes like Jet Li, Jason Statham, Randy Couture and Terry Crews. Steve Austin maintains his dignity by beating the crap out of Sylvester Stallone but eventually ends up as a victim to Randy Couture (Austin was a bad guy in the movie so that was bound to happen..... Stop giving him such roles!).

Jason Statham manifested some great skills in there with his awesome fighting style. Jet Li augmented himself to the list of fighters by beating the hell out of the bad guys. Dolph Lundgren was asked to leave the group because of which he fires back at Sylvester and Jet Li but ends up getting shot ( not killed as he rejoins the team eventually ). Eric Roberts poses himself as the bad guy with Steve Austin watching his back every now and then.

I was highly disappointed because of the limited roles of Arnold and Bruce Willis. It was a real bummer when I found Mickey Rourke sitting and relaxing as well and not getting himself entailed in the ruckus. The villains end up in a snap and the whole story ends up abruptly albeit an intelligent script could have scored better. In my eyes however the movie scores because of its action scenes. The conversation of Arnold and Sylvester was hilarious although short but a nice one. I wish Arnold,Bruce and Mickey get to do more than a mere talk if supposedly there is a sequel on the cards. Also the action that was supposed to come from the tough guys in a scintillating manner came up pretty lame ( that of Sylvester mainly ). Although the movie had a poor story line it wasn't that bad as I found it really entertaining. I would recommend those who are big fans of these guys because watching them in action and that too together isn't something that happens daily.

After Life (2009)

After Life is a story of a psychopath which is craftily played by Liam Neeson who happens to be a funeral director intent on killing the undead. Christina Ricci plays the damsel in distress character who is truly loved by her boyfriend Justin Long. There is a rift between the two and she ends up dead ( as Liam tells her ) in a car accident. She is fooled into believing that she is dead which as a matter fact wasn't true and that Liam had drugged her at the time of the accident forcing the doctors to report her dead. Justin Long however had this weird connection with her and so he didn't give up on her. He keeps on pestering the police as he was a lawyer to get a search warrant as he smelled something fishy in the funeral house. Meanwhile the desire of Christina to escape the building is suppressed by Liam the psychopath who justifies in his own ways and reassures her that she is indeed dead. A fellow student of hers named Jack however ends up staring her at the window alive and breathing but Liam Neeson however takes care of that quite easily by brain washing the poor lad ( I must say Jack's gonna walk on the psychopath's path for sure if there are any sequels to come ). It is quite too late when she realizes that she wasn't dead and provoking Justin Long eventually does nobody any good. So that's it. The movie ends sadistically but with a brilliance that doesn't go unnoticed. I don't fathom one thing - The fact why Justin Long ends up doing 'exactly nothing' in such type of thrillers. He poses as the hero but loses each time he tries to help. See what he did in Jeepers Creepers and Drag me to hell. Nothing. I mean why does he even get a role when he is supposed to make matters worse in the end ? I must say Liam Neeson did a great job once again. The serene and calm funeral man really stole the show as he never even used violence to get his work done which on the contrary in movies where psychos are entailed people generally go for the kill. The movie reminded me of the finest psychopath created ever - Hannibal Lecter however the movie stands way behind compared to the classic. The story was however out of the box and so I kind of liked it. The climax was good and it really carried it through however I expected a happy ending eventually which never came and I was a bit disappointed I must confess. However it was good with its pace and the thrill was well hidden. It was a total entertainment I must say.

She's out of my league (2010)

Jay Baruchel plays the character of Kirk who is a failure in the game of love and who is rated a 5 by his friends who also rate Alice Eve as a hard 10 ( dude she deserves it!). The movie is about a guy who thinks the girl is out of her league and that he won't be able to get her however the girl takes an interest in him instead. Kirk's lack of confidence (as Baruchel depicts himself as a total jerk) and of course the ratings of his friends lowers down his expectations and makes him question his self-esteem. He keeps on considering the fact that he did not deserve a girl like her in his life. There are some funny moments in the movie as well. The scene at the dining table and the one in the plane were really humorous. I fell of my seat at the spot when Jay Baruchel abuses his entire family after a long speech and tries to get off the plane but ends up sitting next to them with the middle finger of Dylan (his brother) at his face. I found Kyle Bornheimer really funny. His lines were great and I found myself laughing out loud. Kirk was at times pathetic with his demeaning acts but if you are in the movie you will definitely get used to it. The theme of the movie was good which I think carried the movie through. There were some great hilarious moments in the movie thanks to the presence of his friends like Stainer and Devon. Overall the movie deserves a 7 as a romantic comedy. I'd recommend all the movie lovers to go for it as the movie is really worth watching. Guys will definitely fall in love with Alice Eve which I think is a surety watching my case.

Eclipse (2010)

I happen to be a fan of The twilight saga and comparing all the three of them I must say I liked the third one the most.Here at least Kristen Stewart has come out of her role of a pointless dame who she happened to be in the past two movies.She had in the past got her stuck to this sluggish persona which I hated the most.As the story however plays with her character and the difficult choice she had in front of her of choosing between Taylor Lautner and Robert Pattinson was a joy to watch. I've started to like Taylor Lautner, as my sympathy lies with him because of the fact that he has become a one side lover and he has still not given up.His die hard capability really is fascinating.It was a joy to watch Lautner stealing Pattinson's girl in the tent and of course by the apparent kiss that Lautner was asked for by Stewart. The movie has got more action than the past two movies and I loved it.Victoria comes back to take her revenge but eventually she has to pay and was slain by Edward with Bella's assistance. I'd recommend everybody to go for it coz the movie is not bad at all. I don't know whats wrong with the others who are criticizing the movie like hell. I think it was a good movie and I can't wait for the fourth one. The twilight saga is certainly a captivating series and its a real joy to watch the romance of Edward and Bella with a mist of Jacob in it.

Wild Hogs (2007)

I found the movie really hilarious.The star cast was really good.Tim Allen,John Travolta,Martin Lawrence and William H.Macy a.k.a the Wild Hogs totally stole the show.

The movie was,in fact,about the Wild hogs who are a bunch of wannabe bikers who decide to hit the road without caring for a particular destination.They were looking for an adventure basically but they ended up pissing off another gang named Del Fuegos which had 50 bikers who became hungry for their blood after John Travolta accidentally burnt down their bar.

John Travolta gets squeamish quite easily on the mention of the Del Fuegos as he remains taciturn about his act to his fellow mates.Tim Allen and Martin Lawrence bring a lot of hoopla moment through their comedy acts and so does Macy who has this weird way of making you laugh as a geek as well as a freak in the movie.

The story was good and with a moral although one can definitely argue on the point of the limitations of the storyline. Well however the movie scores as a 'real good comedy' which happens to be rare these days.

The entire movie was enjoyable and totally hilarious and that is the reason why I would rate it a 7 out of 10.I'll recommend the movie to all the comedy lovers coz it really was fun to watch.

Diary of a wimpy kid (2010)

I really enjoyed the movie. The movie depicts the life of a teen Greg (Zachary Gordon) who has his issues of longing to be famous in the middle school.He ranks himself 19 on the popularity list.He has a dream to fulfill.He considers his previous friends 'who were not able to grow up' according to him ... morons and tries to maintain his standard by keeping his distance from the infamous.His best friend Rowley however though weird in his ways,as Greg considers him 'still not Middle school ready',keeps on posing a threat to his popularity position. Chloe Moretz has a wonderful role herself in the movie however her appearance is short.But the story is however about the wimpy kid and hence that becomes justified.There are a lot of funny moments in the movie and you would smile every now and then on their innocence.There is one another character Fregley- Greg places him at the last position in the popularity list. There is this funny moment wherein whoever touches the piece of stale cheese is considered to have THE CHEESE TOUCH. Whoever touches that person takes with himself the cheese touch.Even a cockroach was concerned about its dignity. No matter how hard he tries he always gets branded every now and then as the douche.Eventually however Greg learns that it really doesn't matter if one is on the top of the popularity list in the school but what matters the most is being on the top of the list of your best friends. A little act of genius and sacrifice vindicates him eventually. I found the movie totally enjoyable as guys we were kids once remember after all ! We used to consider some little and petty things as important, didn't we ? The sequel to the movie - Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2: Rodrick Rules is set to hit the theaters in March 2011 and I'm looking forward to it as well. The movie was really cute and I wish everyone watches it although I'll give it a 6 as it wasn't excellent though but the movie is highly recommended if you want to relive a part of your past.

Grown Ups (2010)

Adam Sandler wove a lovely story in the Grown ups. Though the movie had not much to offer but the story was really lovely and totally enjoyable. I had a great time watching the movie as Adam didn't leave any stone unturned. He carried it well as he always does in his all movies. As an amazing comedian he came up with great punches and I had a great time enjoying the comedy.The movie also showed some great moments where despite of the little ups and downs in a relationship 'Love and truth still rules' was also given precedence.

There is something about Adam Sandler that really gives comedy a new dimension.His humor is the best- the way he comes at one after a let down is a joy to watch. If you want some best come back lines then start watching how Sandler does it. Kevin James on the other hand is the funniest actor alive. His acts really could possibly bring back even the dead.He is damn funny when he dances with his unique style which we have so far seen in his previous movies be it be Paul Blart or The hitch. Rob Schneider and Chris Rock and David Spade were at their best. Rob had a thing for the oldies. The concept was really catchy coz each one of them were 'normal' as Adam said. I was really looking forward to watching this movie and I don't regret it. The humor was unlike all the stupid movies and it had a lot of HAHA moments in it. I'd recommend this movie to everyone as in this case Too many cooks didn't spoil the food.

Vampires Suck (2010)

Vampires suck, albeit had a few moments of laugh, but those moments did not last long. It is a spoof of The Twilight saga and kicks off with the Prologue of the New Moon. Those HA-HA moments that used to go non-stop in the movies by Craig Mazin ( Superhero movie, Scary Movie 3,4) were totally not present in this stuff. There are moments where the story goes as slow as the Twilight saga and there are punches that come out of the blue thus proving it to be a comedy but frankly speaking the humour was cheesy and short lived. A few moments are there where u can find yourself laughing your bellies out like the scene where Jacob turns into a chihuahua or the scene where the vampires get recognised as The Black eyed Peas by David DeLuise ( The Fisherman ) or Edward calling himself a killer while shooting Alice as she sneaks into a hole. Jenn Proske however played Kristen Stewart quite impressively appending some moments of smile while Matt Lanter contributed equally well.Anneliese van der Pol played Jennifer nicely. It is good to see her in movies every now and then away from TV shows like That's So Raven. Although the effort was great it could have been much better if Craig Mazin was allowed to direct this one. The story's end was however not entirely the way you would expect as eventually Matt Lanter is murdered by a Team Jacob's fan who pops up out of nowhere and bludgeons him to death in one blow. An abrupt ending. Then again it is a spoof what else can you expect ? If a critic is supposed to rate this movie then he'd definitely end up giving it a single star while as a Hollywood lover I'd go for a 3. If my opinions are concerned, I'd rather not suggest this movie to anyone. Superhero movie was far better than all the spoofs I had watched. Watching this wasn't although a mistake but suggesting it to others might become one. So I'd rather not recommend this one.