Thursday, September 23, 2010

Eclipse (2010)

I happen to be a fan of The twilight saga and comparing all the three of them I must say I liked the third one the most.Here at least Kristen Stewart has come out of her role of a pointless dame who she happened to be in the past two movies.She had in the past got her stuck to this sluggish persona which I hated the most.As the story however plays with her character and the difficult choice she had in front of her of choosing between Taylor Lautner and Robert Pattinson was a joy to watch. I've started to like Taylor Lautner, as my sympathy lies with him because of the fact that he has become a one side lover and he has still not given up.His die hard capability really is fascinating.It was a joy to watch Lautner stealing Pattinson's girl in the tent and of course by the apparent kiss that Lautner was asked for by Stewart. The movie has got more action than the past two movies and I loved it.Victoria comes back to take her revenge but eventually she has to pay and was slain by Edward with Bella's assistance. I'd recommend everybody to go for it coz the movie is not bad at all. I don't know whats wrong with the others who are criticizing the movie like hell. I think it was a good movie and I can't wait for the fourth one. The twilight saga is certainly a captivating series and its a real joy to watch the romance of Edward and Bella with a mist of Jacob in it.

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