Thursday, September 23, 2010

Wild Hogs (2007)

I found the movie really hilarious.The star cast was really good.Tim Allen,John Travolta,Martin Lawrence and William H.Macy a.k.a the Wild Hogs totally stole the show.

The movie was,in fact,about the Wild hogs who are a bunch of wannabe bikers who decide to hit the road without caring for a particular destination.They were looking for an adventure basically but they ended up pissing off another gang named Del Fuegos which had 50 bikers who became hungry for their blood after John Travolta accidentally burnt down their bar.

John Travolta gets squeamish quite easily on the mention of the Del Fuegos as he remains taciturn about his act to his fellow mates.Tim Allen and Martin Lawrence bring a lot of hoopla moment through their comedy acts and so does Macy who has this weird way of making you laugh as a geek as well as a freak in the movie.

The story was good and with a moral although one can definitely argue on the point of the limitations of the storyline. Well however the movie scores as a 'real good comedy' which happens to be rare these days.

The entire movie was enjoyable and totally hilarious and that is the reason why I would rate it a 7 out of 10.I'll recommend the movie to all the comedy lovers coz it really was fun to watch.

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