Monday, September 27, 2010

Basic (2003)

From the trailer it was hard to make out how intricate the movie
actually was. I had earlier taken it to be an army movie that was sure
to showcase some war-like situations. However I was proved wrong when I
actually found the movie to be a sort of a thriller. The story retains
a training program which turns out to be chaotic when all those rangers
who had stepped down to train in the formidable forest area end up
shooting each other except for two fellow rangers. The mystery was
slowly revealed by two fellow Rangers as to what really happened in the
woods while training, both leading the story to a different direction.
They both were trying to complicate things by telling their part of the
story which although seemed true but in fact wasn't. John Travolta was
called on to interrogate the two rangers who had survived from a
training facility region(which turned out to be a battleground as there
were those who shared a grudge for Samuel Jackson while those who
considered it inhumane to kill him) and ended up killing the rest in an
accident as the story of those survived rangers suggested. Connie
Nielsen however had the habit of snooping around and so figures out the
rest of the mystery eventually which was an eye-opener. Find out for
yourself what the actual mystery was as I was really surprised to find
out the consequences eventually myself and would recommend everyone to
watch the movie. I'd rate the movie 7 for the suspense as I kind of
like watching movies that has something thrilling to offer.

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