Thursday, September 23, 2010

After Life (2009)

After Life is a story of a psychopath which is craftily played by Liam Neeson who happens to be a funeral director intent on killing the undead. Christina Ricci plays the damsel in distress character who is truly loved by her boyfriend Justin Long. There is a rift between the two and she ends up dead ( as Liam tells her ) in a car accident. She is fooled into believing that she is dead which as a matter fact wasn't true and that Liam had drugged her at the time of the accident forcing the doctors to report her dead. Justin Long however had this weird connection with her and so he didn't give up on her. He keeps on pestering the police as he was a lawyer to get a search warrant as he smelled something fishy in the funeral house. Meanwhile the desire of Christina to escape the building is suppressed by Liam the psychopath who justifies in his own ways and reassures her that she is indeed dead. A fellow student of hers named Jack however ends up staring her at the window alive and breathing but Liam Neeson however takes care of that quite easily by brain washing the poor lad ( I must say Jack's gonna walk on the psychopath's path for sure if there are any sequels to come ). It is quite too late when she realizes that she wasn't dead and provoking Justin Long eventually does nobody any good. So that's it. The movie ends sadistically but with a brilliance that doesn't go unnoticed. I don't fathom one thing - The fact why Justin Long ends up doing 'exactly nothing' in such type of thrillers. He poses as the hero but loses each time he tries to help. See what he did in Jeepers Creepers and Drag me to hell. Nothing. I mean why does he even get a role when he is supposed to make matters worse in the end ? I must say Liam Neeson did a great job once again. The serene and calm funeral man really stole the show as he never even used violence to get his work done which on the contrary in movies where psychos are entailed people generally go for the kill. The movie reminded me of the finest psychopath created ever - Hannibal Lecter however the movie stands way behind compared to the classic. The story was however out of the box and so I kind of liked it. The climax was good and it really carried it through however I expected a happy ending eventually which never came and I was a bit disappointed I must confess. However it was good with its pace and the thrill was well hidden. It was a total entertainment I must say.

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