Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Expendables (2010)

The Expendables had a lot of action so much that they forgot to give a good motive behind all the hullabaloo. The movie retained the finest action figures one could only dream of putting together in one frame and that was exactly what Sylvester Stallone did. Watching Sylvester guiding a bunch of mercenaries was a joy in itself and that too action heroes like Jet Li, Jason Statham, Randy Couture and Terry Crews. Steve Austin maintains his dignity by beating the crap out of Sylvester Stallone but eventually ends up as a victim to Randy Couture (Austin was a bad guy in the movie so that was bound to happen..... Stop giving him such roles!).

Jason Statham manifested some great skills in there with his awesome fighting style. Jet Li augmented himself to the list of fighters by beating the hell out of the bad guys. Dolph Lundgren was asked to leave the group because of which he fires back at Sylvester and Jet Li but ends up getting shot ( not killed as he rejoins the team eventually ). Eric Roberts poses himself as the bad guy with Steve Austin watching his back every now and then.

I was highly disappointed because of the limited roles of Arnold and Bruce Willis. It was a real bummer when I found Mickey Rourke sitting and relaxing as well and not getting himself entailed in the ruckus. The villains end up in a snap and the whole story ends up abruptly albeit an intelligent script could have scored better. In my eyes however the movie scores because of its action scenes. The conversation of Arnold and Sylvester was hilarious although short but a nice one. I wish Arnold,Bruce and Mickey get to do more than a mere talk if supposedly there is a sequel on the cards. Also the action that was supposed to come from the tough guys in a scintillating manner came up pretty lame ( that of Sylvester mainly ). Although the movie had a poor story line it wasn't that bad as I found it really entertaining. I would recommend those who are big fans of these guys because watching them in action and that too together isn't something that happens daily.

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